One Simple Tip For Living Our Best Selves On and Off Camera
I always ask my clients how they feel about being photographed just before we begin the session. It's very common to have the response be anything from "I'm not photogenic" to "It feels uncomfortable" or even "I hate it," and I completely understand!
I begin with this question so we can start unfolding what the real fear is for so many of my clients: being seen. On some level, we fear we won't be accepted for who we are, and someone might see those things we feel are flaws.
One of my last clients bravely shared that when she looks in the mirror, she doesn’t see who she thinks she is. In this very raw, honest moment, we both began to well up with tears and emotion. We want to look in the mirror or at photographs of ourselves and appreciate who we see. The true us. The beauty of who we are that radiates from the inside.
Midway through our session, she began to trust me and the process, allowing me to see the real her fearlessly and with ease. I showed her the camera's back and the photograph I captured during that moment of openness. Her eyes filled with tears as she exclaimed,
“THAT is who I feel like!”
This woman, one of the most gentle, loving, and supportive women I have ever met and a long-time client, has always been someone whose beauty has stayed with me. Her confidence and generous nature have always been at the forefront of how I see her.
Being able to see ourselves for WHO we know we are is an empowering experience. Being able to live in this place can also be empowering for those around us, both in our personal lives and careers. It also brings an unmatched level of joy and ease to our lives.
So I started wondering, Why can’t we see ourselves in the same way others see us, and is there a way we can?
I’d love to share a technique I use with my clients that enables them to embody this authentic place with greater ease. You can try this anytime, anywhere.
Let’s take a moment to try it together...
I ask my clients to give me three adjectives describing how they want to be seen. How they would like the world to perceive them. These words can change from day to day depending on what aspect of ourselves we need to call forward. Today, let’s choose the one I hear most often: CONFIDENT.
I ask my clients how the word CONFIDENT feels in their bodies. I ask them to repeat it a few times and live up to the word a bit. I ask them to imagine what possessing this attribute might look like in their body, how they might stand, walk, or sit, and even how their facial expression might change. We use the word or words as an intention for the photographs we create that day. Soon enough, I saw them begin to shift. They grow taller, their gaze is more direct, and their smile is more genuine.
Try this next time you're not feeling yourself. I believe that with a little effort and some practice, we can become the best version of who we know we are.
Finally, to all my incredible clients who are willing to be seen for the extraordinary people you are and who have taught me so much about the beautiful and powerful vulnerability of being seen, I THANK YOU.
My beautiful, fearless client, Panda. Thank you for letting me share your experience.
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